historic trains on the network of the Jura railways
On the narrow gauge network of the Jura railways between
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Tavannes and Glovelier there are
also historic trains running. The electric motor carriage
BCe 70 build in the year 1913 for the then newly opened
railway Tramelan - Le Noirmont, the Mallet steam engines
build by Henschel in Kassel for the portuguese national
Railways and now in service in the Jura, the two power
engine and the nostalgic carriages of the trains operated
by La Traction. This movie shows the historic rolling
stock on the most beautiful routes through the singular
landscapes of the Franches Montagnes and on the romantic
mountainous railway line from Saignelégier to
This video-DVD is a condensed version of MV 27618 (Steam
trains in the Franches-Montagnes) and MV 27619 (Electric
Motor carriage BCe 70).
Duration 61 min.
DVD-PAL with language versions English, German, French
and Dutch Price: EUR19,50, CHF 24,50